Thursday, May 26, 2011

Commodities Trade

Buy Gold @ 22515-20 Sl-22450 T-22550,22575,22600.

Buy Copper @ 415 Sl-410 T-418,422,426.

Yesterday 2 calls given by SMS.

Gold goes till 22568 & Crude gives full 50 point.

Alwys book when U satisfied & comfort never wait for target & Keep TSL.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Commodity Trades

Sorry frends cant able to post any trade this week  due to net problem.

Uptill now all commodities are range bound only Silver & Gold give break out.

Silver if able to sustain above 54000 can touch 58000 in near term.

Gold tsrts it rally now & can reach 23000 above very soon.

If it holds 1525$ than nxt target should be 1560$.

I will try to post now onwards my trades.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Commodity Trades

This week I cant able to properly update my trades here.

Reason is time & alos posting trades in Abhi google group.

From monday onwards I will try to timly post trades here also.

But I will prefer SMS as they take less time.

Any more intrested in SMS can post his no. here.

This service is entirly Free.

But if U get profit or loss from my trade Plz give feedback here to improve my trades.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Commodity Trading

As today Morning session is  closed & Mcx start at 5.00 I cant be able to post Orb trades.

If any positional one is there I will send a SMS.

Yesterday Copper & nickle Long trigers but not give sufficient results so exit them at cost.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Commodity Trading

Last week Full of Up Down swings in Commodities.

We have 2 positional trades. One Copper & Second Crude.

Copper Gives Full 16 points per Lot & Crude gives 140 points per lot.

I hope all loss cover of last week fail trades.

Bescide we also start on paper Intra trading based on Opening range in Copper & Nickle.

We have total 4 trades per day out of which 3 got successfull. One may be sl hit or not executed.

In these we have small target  & small sl.

If we continiously trade over it than we can get nearly 2-3K per day easily.

I need viewers feedback over these ORB trdaing methodology.

From today onwards I will start real trades based on it.

Our positional trades if any will be posted here & send through SMS also.

Every viewer should enter atleast 1 lot in Positional trade. I have a win rate of over 70 % in that so get benefitted.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Commodities Weekly Trading

Posting ORB trdaes for Crude & Nickle

Buy @ 4670 Sl-4640 T-4695,4708

Short @ 4619 sl-4650 T-4595,4580

Buy@ 1125.35 sl-1120.8 T-1129,1131,1132.5

Short @ 1116.35 sl-1120.85 T-1112.7,1110.60,1109

Copper Short positionally @ 404-406 with sl -414 T-390,380

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Commodities Weekly Trading

Yesterday 4 Calls posted here as per High Low Breakout Strategy.

2 for Copper & 2 for Nickle.

3 of them executed & achieve T-1, Nickle second call achieved both targets.

I also send a SMS trade & sl hit in it.

Now from today onwards I will watch only High Low breakout trades.

Buy above   405.85 sl-404.60 T-406.85,407.45

Short Below 402.15 sl-403.4 T- 401.15,400.6

Buy above 1114.75 sl-1111 T- 1117.75,1119.5

Short below 1107 sl-1110.75 T-1104.75,1102.35

Monday, May 9, 2011

Commodity Weekly trading

Last Week was a night mare for me as both of my positional trade sl hit & give all of us a big loss.

Today Copper may open near to 405 level & all other base metal will open higher.

From this week onwards my first motto is to recover losses which occur last week positionally.

I will only do some intra trades which either post here or send U through SMS.

First we recover our confidence & after it trade positionally.

I hope all of U will suport me in this.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Commodity Weekly trading

Friends this time our bad lucks hit hard.

Our both positional trades hit our sl, I am very much upset & just not want any new trade untill a good set up arrives.

I will try my level best nxt time to avoid such type of mistakes on my behailf.

I hope U all will recover Loss along with me.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Commodities weekly tarding

Positional Trades hold

Zinc Long @ 101.8

Copper long @ 425.5

Copper yesterday gives a good bounce back but Zinc still range bound.

Yesterday Nickle & Lead buy calls give very good Profits.

Silver falls immensly.

Any one wants to invest in silver is the right time.

But buy it in physical,not in mcx as it may fall more,but I think it should start turn around soon

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Commodities Weekly Trading

Positional Trades hold

Zinc Long @ 101.8

Copper long @ 425.5

Friends now Copper comes to 418++ levels & soon it should come to 426 our long levels also.

Zinc have to be hold till expiry.

Inta day trade

Buy Nickle @ 1197-1198 Sl-1190 T-1210,1218,1230.

Yesterady our intraday trade Nickle Long gives full 15 point.

I have ask to SMS members how many get benefitted with it but I got only 2 replys.

Friends I need your feed backs also U can share your problems with me in any trade.

I am not here just a call giver we have to create a good community of profitable trdaers.

I hope I got more Participation here in future.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Commodities Weekly Trades

Friends today morning due to overseas reason of OSAMA death all commodities are trading in Deep Red .

Our both holdings Copper & Zinc are also in losses.

Specially Copper giving bigger one.

Now after Rollover our Copper costs near to 425-426 range & at present it tardng near to 410.

If any one cant hold now than Book loss on any rally near to 413-414. Sorry for this but it is a part of trading.

If one wish to continue hold than carry it soon it will be at our cost.

Zinc at present tarding @ 100 giving a loss of 1.5 points. Hold it with same sl of 96.

I have send nearly 6 trades through SMS,all are of intra day & 1 BTST.

Out of them 4 hit target 1 exit at cost to cost 7 only Silver BTST gives a loss.

I wish all of U earn some money through it.

I have only 2 space remain for SMS service intrested one post their no. here.