Monday, February 28, 2011

Commodity Trade for 1-3-2011

I update my blog at this time because I will not be available tomorrow morning.

My all short position Still hold

Gold partial profit booked rest hold for my target of 20750.

Silver I am highly bearish over Silver,its now sell on rises.dont hold any long position in it over night.
any time a suden fall stuck U in Longs.

I hold my short position in Silver & added some more in it.

Copper shorts are also hold for a target of 430 till this weekend.

Crude can see below 4300 till this weekend so better sell on Rise rather going Long.

Every one think why I am so bearish on all commodities,it is because all thing favour on down side.

I am not a Bull nor a Bear I am a trader & loves to Trade & earn money.

Uptill now very Less Sl of mine has been hitted its all by God grace only.

I thank ALMIGHTY for his pleasent hand over me.

Any body wants my calls on his mobile can contact me on my email.

Yesterday Profit in Silver-900 points.

Profit in Gold full 200 points

Profit in Crude Oil 130 points.

Copper shorts still hold.

If calculate profit with single lot than nearly 60K in 1 day.

I hope all my viewers enjoying my Commodity calls.


EEMZYE said...

THANK YOU ... Musti Ji


Gold , Crude & Coper all rocking. Silver due to high premium in May cont. Trades so higher otherwise it will also fall drastically. My trget 49500 may contract.


Book Profit in Crude @ 4370.


Short Silver @ 51500. T- 51000.

Ravindra M said...

Dear Musti,

I have sent email for commodity calls on my mobile. Please check and revert.

