Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Commodity Trades

This week uptill now is very good.

In 2 days nearly 10 trades have been made & 7 got successful.

View on Bullions:-

Gold is trading in a range of 1550$ to 1540$ any move below it will take it towards 1525$-1510$

Strategy short on rise with sl of 1555$.

Silver is trying hard to take out 37- 37.5$ barrier but cant succed much. On downside if able to break 36$ again than a swift move towrds 34.5,33$ can occurs.

Strategy short on rise near to 56000 with sl 58500 for 54000,52000
Dis.:- I have short positionally.

Crude after Opec annoucement start falling & touch yesterday a low of 98.33$ or 4383.
Now if crude take suport at this level can run towards 4500 again.

Strategy short on rise with sl 4550 for 4350-4280

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