Sunday, March 20, 2011

Performance of Week 14-19 March 2011

Positional Trades

1. Short Silver @ 54000 T- 50000 Sl-55350  Book Profit @ 51500= 2500x30=       75000

2. Short Crude @ 4550 T-4380 Sl- 4620. Book Profit @ 4388 =162x50=                  8100

3. Short Copper @ 418.15 Sl-420 T-412. Book Profit @ 412= 6x1000=                    6000

4. Short Copper @ 421-422 Sl-430 T- 405-400  Sl Hit @ 430= 8x1000=                 -8000

5. Short Zinc @ 104.5 Sl-106 T-102. Book Profit @ 102= 2.5x5000=                     12500

6. Short Crude @ 4464 Sl-4500 T-4400,4380 ( exit @ 4420). Profit 44x50=            2200

7. Short Crude @ 4490- 4500 sl- 4535 T - 4460 Sl Hit @ 4535 Loss 35x50=          -1750

8.Short Crude @ 4620 sl- 4665 T - 4580. Booked profit @ 4480= 40x50=               2000

9.Short Crude below 4530 sl- 4560 T- 4490. Sl hit Loss= 30x50=                           -1500

 Total Profit=                                                                                                           94550

I still hold Copper Shorts but I took Loss on my sl Though I say to hold Shorts.

@ Najil this post is not for Showing that how much I earn & How much I am Successfull.

This is for ur reply regarding sl hit.

I post here 9 trades out of which only 3 sl goes 2 small & 1 big,still U consider a Bad performance &

loss making to viewers.

I understand that every one starts with a small capital & once a big loss vanish all his capital but dear it is

Commodity Trading, I remove Sl because I am confident of my call, many times it went against our trade but if I am sure than only I say to hold otherwise book loss ^& exit.

If any body incurr loss from my trading style I will apologise for the same.

This is the last time I am updating my performance as I am not here to Show how much I earn or Loose.

I am here just to Trade only.

Happy Holi to all.

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