Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Commodity Weekly trading Strategies

Silver still over our Weekly SAr of 62390.

Yesterday I go against rules & punished by it with sl hitted & lost 385 points.

Gold gives a tremendous return. Long taken near to SAR @ 21575 still hold with Sl of 21725.

Copper shorts are hold with modified sl of 418.

Sorry cant track crude as busy in all 3.

I will hold only 3 commodities cant able to track all due to time comitments.

Now I watch Nickle.

Go long in Nickle above 1160 with 10 point sl.

But it should close above it at EOD.

If close below or near to it than exit.

On contrary one can short also on rise with sl of 1160 on closing basis.





Copper shorts covered @ 414. Position reverse to long @ 414 sl -404

SKV said...


Next series i am entering nifty option hedging strategy. It will be helpful if u post the trades immediately, especially the nifty trades or any changes in the trade. If u can give me ur contact address also will help.I am posting in this blog because sometime back i posted in ur nifty blog and unfortunately u didnt notice it.
