Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Commodity Weekly Trading

Yesterday Copper & Nickle Gives immense Profit.

But i think no body trades on my calls, as there is no word of appreciation either No post also.

Anyways Silver now days I am not much tracking due to its wild moves.

Yt we all want to earn money & with base metals we can without much whipsaw & losses.

So Y to trade these highly Volatile one while we have stable commodities also.

Now I am holding Copper shorts for  410-412.

Book completly in this range.

Nickle can be shorted near to 1160-1170 range with sl of 1185 for 1135-40.

Friends Now from onwards I will provide SMS also for my calls & it will be completly free to all members.

Intrested members Plz post here their No. with name.

I repeat no charges for it.

Thx Anuj for appreciation. I actually miss out your post


akki said...

Musti Sir,

Awsome calls.
I am following ur calls since feb.
Learning in commodities also here.
Pls add me as a bhopali one.

Akash Jain

akki said...

I know you r from Indore.
Will meet when I will come there.

Akash Jain

Pawan said...

ADD No 9246885827 Name Pawan