Friday, April 29, 2011

Commodities Weekly Trades

Position we are holding

Zinc @ 101.8 Sl-96.7

Copper @ 419 Sl-404.

Hold these with there sl.

Yesterday Intra day Nickle gives 4 point & Silver Gives 250 point.

I try to provide more trade through SMS.

Today is Copper Expiry so Rollover it.

If Copper breaks 411 before 3 P.M. than dont rollover ur position.
Maintain intra sl of 411 for copper,but it should trade below it atleast 15 min


Balaji said...


I haven't received any SMS from your end till now. I gave my no. day before yestarday.

Balaji said...

Thanks got your test message.

jittery said...

Thanks Got your test sms

veer said...

Dear Musti,

Pls include my mobile no: 9894512814 with your SMS service.



GuruBhai_Shankar said...

Hello Musti,

Please include my mobile no: 9342780899 as well.

Really appreciating your efforts.

Thanks & Regards

deepak said...

sir my cell no is 09820478775 for yr sms services

deepak said...

sir i want to talk to u pl sms me yr no ...humble request...i m new in commdty trading n lost heavyly pl ...humble requst